A guide to building your computer

March 30, 2006

ExtremeTech’s Build It section gives excellent suggestions on what components to choose when building your PC. Very usefull information.

The Smoldering Ruins of Centralia

March 30, 2006

There is a small town in Pennsylvania called Ashland where Route 61’s northbound traffic is temporarily branched onto a short detour. Beyond it lies a town filled with overgrown streets, smoldering earth, and ominous warning signs. It is the remains of the borough of Centralia. Very intersting article to check out!

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KDE 3.5.2 Released

March 29, 2006

The KDE Project today announced the immediate availability of KDE 3.5.2, a maintenance release for the latest generation of the most advanced and powerful free desktop for GNU/Linux and other UNIXes.

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PlayStation 2: Computational Cluster

March 29, 2006

“The NCSA has constructed a PlayStation 2 Linux cluster as a test bench for scientific computation on “toy” hardware. The cluster consists of 65 compute nodes, 4 user login and development nodes, and 1 prototype node for software installation tests. All the nodes run the Sony Linux distribution for PlayStation 2. The compute nodes fill a 24-inch rack; 5 shelves at 13 per shelf.”

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Air Car (Video)

March 28, 2006

This is a car that literally runs on air! Great for city driving, and no emmisions.

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Possibly the world’s largest game collection. (Pics!)

March 28, 2006

This is the LARGEST video game collection I have ever seen. WOW! Simply amazing!

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How To: Scanning For Viruses Using Knoppix…

March 28, 2006

“Ridding a network of Windows computers of a virus or worm can seem impossible. Viruses may cause computers to reboot and infect new machines while you are in the process of removing them. Through the use of the live-software installer, Knoppix provides a solution to this catch-22”

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First Retail holographic Storage!

March 28, 2006

That long wait for holographic 3-D storage is finally over! A company called in-phase is selling a 515 GB per square inch drive.

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Dual Processor vs Dual Core

March 28, 2006

Will multiple processors or a dual core processor be beneficial to you, and what are the differences between them? These are the questions this article will attempt to lay to rest.

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PC Games to be released in 2006…WOW!

March 27, 2006

This is a comprehesive list of all promising PC games slated for 2006 release. Many screenshots, Dial up beware.

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